Avery Lee Gimme 5!

Discussion in 'Games' started by Avery Lee, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Trout... Broiled with garlic and butter
    Perch.... Fried
    Catfish... Fried
    Salmon... Smoked
    Bass.... Grilled or steamed

    Gimme 5 foods you never tried but want to try
  2. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Cherries jubilee
    Rum raisin pie
    Trout amandine
    Champagne (technically not a food, but I heard about the bubbles)
    Any bite-sized food, consumed from the belly button of a lady at the ranches

    All this talk about food has made me want to move around. Gimme 5 movies where the characters exercise or travel to a different city/country
  3. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    The Karate Kid
    Pumping Iron
    Chariots of Fire
    Cool Runnings

    Gimme 5 European cities you want to visit
    joe carbols likes this.
  4. joe carbols
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    joe carbols Well-Known Member

    Budapest, Hungary
    Munich, Bavaria for Oktoberfest
    Lucerne, Switzerland
    Poznań, Poland
    Prague, Czech Republic

    Gimme 5 Canadian cities you wish to visit
  5. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Niagara Falls
    L'Anse aux Meadows (Viking archeological site)

    Gimme 5 songs you would want played at your funeral/memorial
  6. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    It's My Life - Bon Jovi
    Truckin' - Grateful Dead
    Time - Pink Floyd
    With a Little Help From My Friends - Joe Cocker
    (I Just) Died in Your Arms - Cutting Crew (This is because I'm a jerk. It's OK - they'll get over the shock when they get their inheritance.)

    In reference to my last song, gimme 5 things that you should (probably) not do at a funeral.
    BigAlbowski likes this.
  7. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Bring a blind date
    Eat popcorn
    Crawl in the coffin
    Hit on the widow
    Tell the deceased dirty little secrets to everyone

    Gimme 5 dealbreakers when dating someone
  8. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    During a date, she:
    Complains about her ex
    Brings other people (yes, this has happened)
    Checks her social media

    During the relationship, she:
    Tries to isolate you from your guy friends
    Asks to borrow significant amounts of money

    Gimme 5 examples from books/TV/movies/real life of toxic relationships
  9. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Spike (pre-soul) and 'Buffy on Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
    Miss Piggy and Kermit
    Joker and Harley Quinn
    Oliver and Barbara in 'The War of the Roses'

    Bella and Edward in 'Twilight'

    Gimme 5 TV or Film vehicles you would love to have
  10. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    KITT from Knight Rider
    The Batmobile from the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight series
    Steve McQueen's car from Bullitt
    Any Aston-Martin from the James Bond series, not including the goofy ones that could go underwater or turn invisible

    Gimme 5 stupid things people do while driving (Obviously I'm talking about other people - our driving is perfect!)
  11. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Eat a taco
    Drive over tire spikes
    Turn right from left-hand lane
    Have no money for tolls
    Endless turn signal

    Gimme 5 Good things that came from pandemic or quarantine
    joe carbols likes this.
  12. joe carbols
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    joe carbols Well-Known Member

    I got the following with either a vaccine certification or first responder/fire fighter.
    Free Krispy Cream donut (1 per day per store)
    Free Can or bottle of beer
    Free car wash (once a month)
    Free soda, icee/slurpy or coffee at Speedway or Circle K
    Free movie night at the local cinema (once a week)

    Gimme 5 cities outside of Nevada that provide full table games and unlimited gaming. Racino’s don’t count
  13. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Atlantic City, New Jersey
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    Biloxi, Mississippi
    Foxwoods Casino Resort, Connecticut
    Palm Springs, California

    Gimme 5 Courtesans on your "haven't but want to" list
  14. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Air Force Amy
    Rebecca Brite
    Delilah Rae
    Misty Lane
    Summer Sage (I know she's retired - but she interests me anyway)

    So my last person is someone who's gone, but who I hope returns. Gimme 5 examples from books/TV/movies of characters who were thought to be gone, but reappeared later in the plot. (e.g. "It's you! But you're dead/got caught in that explosion/defected to Russia/moved to New Jersey!")
  15. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Jon Snow
    Jason Voorhees
    Emperor Sheev Palpatine

    Gimme 5 deceased actors or actresses you would love to have over for an evening of dinner and games
  16. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    I don't get it - why would I want to have a dead person over for dinner? The games part I can understand, because at least then I would almost always win.
  17. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    :D...... Plus they wouldn't eat much... Brains maybe
  18. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    I can't answer this question literally - nobody would want dead people over. So I'll rephrase it two different ways:

    Gimme 5 deceased actors/actresses you'd want to have over if they were revived and restored to their prime:
    Ronald Reagan
    Steve McQueen
    Donna Reed
    Jimmy Stewart
    Michael Landon

    Gimme 5 characters who were dead (but sentient) who you'd want to have over
    Angel (from Buffy)
    The Crow
    Cassidy (from Preacher)
    Slimer (from the Ghostbusters TV show)

    Gimme 5 things that should be done to people who correct others' grammar & spelling, even though it's obvious what was meant.
  19. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Sarcastic thanks
    Remind of all there miscues
    Drink in face

    Gimme 5 favorite fast food items
  20. Taco
    French Fries

    Gimme 5 actors that played Batman
  21. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Adam West
    Christian Bale
    Michael Keaton
    Val Kilmer
    George Clooney

    Gimme 5 Batman villains
  22. The Riddler
    Mr. Freeze
    The penguin

    Give me 5 names spelled the same forwards and backwards (Palindrome)
  23. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member


    And as used in a sentence: "Dad grabbed the boob of my Mom at noon, and she said 'Wow!'"
    (Don't judge me - I have a nontraditional family.)

    Gimme 5 tortures you would rather endure than walk in on your parents having sex.
  24. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Chinese water torture
    The Rack

    Gimme 5 movie or tv spaceships you would love to fly in
  25. Enterprise NX-01
    Battlestar Galactica
    Tie Fighter
    Millennium Falcon

    Name 5 Charlies angels actresses from the TV show
  26. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Kate Jackson
    Farrah Fawcett
    Jaclyn Smith
    Cheryl Ladd
    Shelley Hack
    bonus... Tanya Roberts

    Gimme 5 favorite pork dishes
  27. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Fried Won Ton (they typically use ground pork)
    Pork Satay
    Grilled pork chop if, and only if, accompanied by grilled potato
    Sweet and sour pork (So good if mixed with cubed green pepper, tomato, and pineapple)
    Pork fajitas with lime

    Talking about pork reminded me of Wilbur in Charlotte's Web. Gimme 5 animals in TV/movies who could talk/communicate - cartoon animals qualify.

    (P.S.: I know Wilbur isn't the one who talked in the story, but without that I don't have a segue. So it stands as is.)
  28. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Bernie in Zookeeper
    Donkey in Shrek
    Aslan in Narnia films
    Cornelius in Planet of the Apes
    E.B. in Hop

    Gimme 5 Great Swordsmen from TV or Films
  29. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    William Wallace - Braveheart
    The Dread Pirate Roberts - The Princess Bride
    The Count of Monte Cristo - The Count of Monte Cristo
    Zorro - The Mask of Zorro
    Connor MacLeod - Highlander

    Being a master swordsman is great (I mean, the chicks dig it), but all the training is so much work. Gimme 5 characters who said "Forget skill - I'm gonna get rid of my enemies by blowing them away!".
    BigAlbowski likes this.
  30. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Indiana Jones (iconic scene)
    Robert Ford (killed Jesse James)
    Josey Wales

    Gimme 5 movies that you would live in that universe
  31. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Gotham - It's like New York City, but it's got masked psychotics running around (in other words, exactly like NYC)
    Princess Bride - There's monsters, but there's also the mundane aspect of people selling each other out (just like NYC)
    Star Trek - Enormous amount of power, but every week something disastrous happens (reminds me of . . . never mind)
    Indiana Jones - There's always exploration through abandoned, dilapidated structures (see the theme?)
    The Matrix - Sure you live in a sewer, but if you put the right thing in your body you can pretend everything's great (the comparison is obvious)

    Gimme 5 great things about NYC. If you can't come up with 5 great things, add some negative things that an unethical politician would "spin" into positives
    joe carbols likes this.
  32. joe carbols
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    joe carbols Well-Known Member

    Firefighters, First Responders, EMT’s and Police that gave their lives on September 11, 2001 attacks on America
    Radio City Rockettes
    Broadway Theatre district
    Dick Clark’s Rockin New Years Eve party
    Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

    Gimme 5 Historical courtesans from within the United States of America
  33. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Josephine Hensley
    Mary Katharine Haroney aka Big Nose Kate
    Pearl de Vere
    Ah Toy
    Julia Bulette

    Gimme 5 TV or film monsters you would least like to have after you
  34. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    My benchmark for this is monsters who do worse than just kill their victim:

    Slither - There were foot-long slugs that forced their way into the victim's mouth and slid down their throat, which is bad enough. But then it slowly turned the victim into a zombie, and the victim is aware of what's happening to them the whole time.
    Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - There's skinning, and I'll leave it at that.
    Pinhead from Hellraiser - He's a sadomasochist who uses chains and hooks.
    The Thing - It's not what it does to the victim, it's constantly being on edge because the victim doesn't know who The Thing is.
    The cannibals from The Hills Have Eyes - They kidnap female victims to propagate their clan.

    Gimme 5 movies with pregnancy in them (hopefully in a more positive light than The Hills Have Eyes)
  35. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Nine Months
    Knocked Up
    Look Who's Talking
    Junior :D

    Gimme 5 Errol Flynn Films
    joe carbols likes this.

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