If you could have lunch with one person dead or alive, who would it be? -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Fun question. So many people to choose from. I was thinking about maybe a great inventor like Thomas Edison or writers like Twain, Hemingway or Austin , but I would have to take the guilty pleasure route and choose my first celebrity crush. Debbie Harry from Blondie. One of my first concerts way back when I was a teenager. She still looks great at 73 and is always really interesting and fun in every interview she does.
I'm going to be lame, but I would have to say my grandfather (paternal). After a recent talk with one of the ladies from one of the Ranches it occurred to me how much I missed by grandpa who passed away back in 2012. I wish I could have a meal with him once again for some family time.
i get to pick one from both? ... well, provided Robert de Niro is still alive, i suppose my dead lunch buddy would be more of a brunch buddy: Charlotte Bronte.
As hard as this is to say, For all of us who knew him or wanted to meet him, I would want one more meal for all of us with my friend, Dennis Hof!
Lots if fun memories of Sunday Dinners with Dennis! So many fun stories! Remember our last dinner with him and then our trip to Starbucks for Pumpkin Spice Lattes? I still have the pictures and video from that. We will have to do that this fall!
Sunday's at Mings was always fun! Thanks it was a hard answer and I wish we could all have one more dinner with him at Ming's.