Announcing my July Special! Wild horses have a special place in my heart - I used to own a rescued wild mustang who was a trained therapy horse for the disabled. I really miss the days of being out in his pasture seeing him running like the wind when his day was done and the saddle came off! Are you ready for your own cowgirl action? If you donate at least $100 to the Hidden Valley Wild Horses Protection Fund (donation box is in the Sagebrush parlor entryway) and book 3 hours with me for ANY type of party, you will get 1 additional hour added to your party for free! If you aren't familiar with the Sagebrush sex menu, you can check out my bio page to see my sex menu listing. There you will discover I have extensive experience and a wide spectrum of menu items. In fact, I offer a lot more than what can be listed on the website - so feel free to email me to find out if the items you crave are something I am more than happy to do! Email: [email protected] You can also call our booking office at (775) 246-5683 EXT. 0 and make a deposit for a future party, and as long as you make your deposit during the month of July 2022 I will honor this July special for ANY month in 2022! So how about getting in on some reverse cowgirl action? I am ready to ride! (This is not my horse) I would rather be riding YOU! by TorreyLisa posted Jun 30, 2022 at 11:48 PM Photo credit: GmarkArt by TorreyLisa posted Jun 30, 2022 at 11:43 PM My little pony by TorreyLisa posted Jul 1, 2022 at 12:07 AM Giddy up by TorreyLisa posted Jul 1, 2022 at 12:16 AM
OMG @TorreyLisa The Pictures are so fire and hot. I love them. When I seen the pics I laughed and giggled. Fellas this is such a great special. book with her today. Don't miss out on this July Special.
This horse was at the Photgraphy studio sitting in a corner unused and getting dusty. so I couldn’t resist pulling it out and telling my photographer that it was time to get silly and sexy at the same time! I pulled my boots and hat out of the trunk of my car (everyone in Colorado wears boots and hats!) and my photographer pulled out the chaps from his model wardrobe supply and we had a super fun photoshoot! I’m glad you got a giggle seeing my silly side!