What the ranches mean to me

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Old Nick, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. Old Nick
    Chat with Me

    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    The Nevada brothels aren’t just a place to get laid. I find a lot of value in them. May 2019 was my last time at a brothel. I’d planned to return sooner, now I wonder if I should even bother saving up.

    Twelve years ago, I spent the night with an on and off girlfriend named Christina. We had a few dates that were spread out, one of them was a movie date. I don’t remember what we saw because we made out through the whole thing. We were going to have a New Years date but I called and got no answer. On the afore mentioned night, we became official and were up all night having sex. Since I lived 30 miles from her, the plan was to come over on the weekends until we could move in together. I went home that morning after breakfast with her kids and her family. I took a long nap. When I woke up, I gave her a call. She rushed me off the phone. So I went to the computer and found an offline from her on Yahoo Messenger. It read:

    “I know you were looking forward to us being together but I think we should just be friends. You’re too great of a guy to be with me. I could only drag you down and end up hurting you. I don’t want to do that. You deserve better than me. I also want you to have kids of your own since I can’t have anymore.”

    I was crushed! I was a man in love. I was 30 years old, and this, believe it or not, was my first real relationship. I did have a few long distance relationships, many that didn’t last more than a week, and one that lasted two years and was a train wreck. So here I had a local lady who seemed like she was going to be something real, and the rug was pulled out from under me. My pride at the time had me send a message to her saying:

    “Just like everyone else before you, you chickened out on me!”

    To her credit, Christina didn’t dump me for the usual superficial reasons like, “you’re too short,” or “you’re not my type.” She was an alcoholic, and had several stints in jail. When she met up with her mother, she screamed at her. One of her brothers told me, “run.” So looking back, I dodged a bullet, but back then, I was hurt.

    After two weeks of trying to call and failing to rebuild this already fractured relationship, I gave up. I took a few days off of work, and drove out to Wendover on a Sunday night. I stayed at one of the casinos for the night. The following day, I drove to Wells. I stumbled into the brothel there.

    So this brothel trip was very emotional. The girl I saw was the girl of my dreams at that time. I told my story while at the bar. During the negotiation, she gave me three hours for the price of two. She didn’t want to rush me. I eased into the sex. When my orgasm hit, I blurted out “I love you!” Then I said, “Oops! Sorry about that!” She laughed, gave me a kiss, and said, “That’s alright. You can love me if you want. That’s what I’m here for.”

    All that aside, the brothels are very necessary. They’ve gotten me through that. I dare say it saved my life. If they are shuttered permanently, a lot of people in my situation may not have the same escape I did.
  2. That was awesome, @Old Nick . Thanks for sharing. Yeah, that would definitely suck if LPIN shuttered for good. Historically, these things have a way of ironing out though not at the pace we'd want. For now, I'm just grateful the Bunny Board still exists for the few of us that check in, indicating the powers-that-be remain hopeful for now.
  3. Lunch Buffett
    Chat with Me

    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    I miss the ads from legal sex workers. I don't have to worry about being catfished by a 300lb tranny. :eek:
    Old Nick and RunningSquirrel like this.

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