Mine are snakes!! A lot of people are afraid of them, and that's ok, but I think they are beautiful and worthy of some of the highest respect I love their scales, patterns, and their cute little tounge flicks when they're curious about something. I love how they wrap themselves onto you to hold on like you're a warm tree. I think it's amazing how they've been nearly unchanged for millions of years! I have a pet boa constrictor named Venus and I love her to pieces!! <3 You don't have to talk as much as I did, I just feel very strongly about my answer lol
This is the hardest question for me to answer… I have soooo many!! Right this second I would say baby elephant… they are sooo cute!!
I really love pitbulls but I really want a tank with electric eels in it. They are so ugly but fascinating at the same time!
I like ants, they are super strong considering their size also super organized and I also like that they all work together to make things better for the community they live in.