Discussion in 'Games' started by piperrae, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. Lunch Buffett
    Chat with Me

    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    Write a children's book featuring illustrations of all of your cats!

    My 3rd level wyzerd ran into a 10th level dragon guarding a giant golden dildo. The paladin who was with me was last seen running south while muttering, "I didn't sign up for this s**t!". Any advice?
    piperrae likes this.

  2. Great Speech! Become a volunteer motivational speaker and travel cross country delivering this to Hospital patients and High School Students. They need to hear what you have to say.

    I'm a therapist and sometimes I just want to scream at my patients, "What the fuck made you think that could ever be a good idea?!"
    piperrae and Lunch Buffett like this.
  3. Keep playing till you get that dildo! Whatever doesn't kill you will only almost kill you.

    I'm thinking about breaking the Guiness Book of World Records for most prolific Bigamist.
    piperrae and DesertRose like this.
  4. Stop thinking and GO FOR IT! I believe in you, you CAN break that record!

    I keep getting visited by aliens, but they haven’t probed me for my DNA. Am I not attractive enough? Have I been “friend zoned” by aliens?
    piperrae and DesertRose like this.
  5. Lunch Buffett
    Chat with Me

    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    The alien is Mork from Ork. Na-Nu Na-Nu! He was exiled from Ork because of his excessive use of humor, which is not permitted. He's on Earth to observe human behavior and report back via brain waves. Shazbot!

    My computer refuses to work until I admit there's such a thing as 'Silicon Heaven'. It's where robots, calculators, toasters and hair dryers go when they stop functioning. I have a report due tomorrow! How do I convince it to go back to work?
    piperrae likes this.
  6. Do whatever your computer tells you to do. It's been your master all long anyway. You might as well accept that reality.

    I've been told only truly spiritual people can handle venomous snakes without getting bitten. I think I'm a truly spiritual person. That makes me safe, right?
    piperrae likes this.
  7. Most definitely makes you safe and you should get a pet snake.

    I can't stop staring at my naked self in the mirror....
    piperrae likes this.
  8. Stop staring at yourself right now! You can go blind from seeing too much beauty!

    I'm in the mood to debate politics on facebook so I can win hearts and change people's views.
    piperrae likes this.
  9. Lunch Buffett
    Chat with Me

    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    Invite your Facebook friends to your house and serve them marijuana infused pork curry. That way, you can alter their minds and their views at the same time!

    My Groinal Exploder is malfunctioning! Do you know anyone who can fix it?
    piperrae likes this.
  10. Send it back and get a refund immediately!

    I keep seeing double! Should I get my eyes checked?
    piperrae likes this.
  11. Why would you get your eyes checked? You're getting twice the view. Enjoy!

    A little old lady left her purse behind at the bus top. Shopping spree for meeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
    piperrae likes this.
  12. Woohooooo! Yay for your good fortune! Shop till you drop!

    My butt is too big to fit into my jeans from high school, and the reunion is next week! What’s a gal to do? :)
    piperrae likes this.
  13. Go naked. You'll be the center of the party!

    My ex wants to live in my basement. What could it hurt?
    piperrae likes this.
  14. You could definitely hurt the structure of the house so make sure if he's living there he's required to be a living beam and hold up ....I don't know ....the stairs.

    I can't stop licking my toe jam...
    piperrae likes this.

  15. That's actually a healthy habit and will attract hot men who love flexible women. Never stop.

    I'm going to give up being a courtesan to shovel Elephant poop in the Circus so anti-Brothel advocates will finally approve of my choices.
    piperrae likes this.
  16. HarleyCEO
    Chat with Me

    HarleyCEO Well-Known Member

    Splendid idea. It's so important to live your life to please other people!

    I am planning to go to a war torn third world country for vacation this year to save money.
    piperrae likes this.
  17. Go to Iraq..That should be so much fun, I bet working girls are cheaper there too.

    I want to spend all my money on shopping
    piperrae likes this.

  18. As long as you're shopping for ME - I think you should go all out! Mortgage your house and sell your car if you need to!

    I've just bought a plane ticket to Nigeria. There's a Prince there waiting for me with millions of dollars I inherited from a relative I didn't even know I had.
    piperrae and KikiLover like this.
  19. How exciting! Before heading back to the States with your inheritance, stop by the bazaar and pick me up a monkey’s paw!

    My friend is having a mid life crisis and trying to grow his mullet back. His wife hates it, but I am becoming very attracted to him. What do I do? :)
    piperrae likes this.
  20. obviously invite him to the bordello because we uphold the upmost discretion in the industry.... maybe just don't let him schedule on the same dates as his wife....

    when I'm trying to reply to message board, I keep pecking at the keyboard like i'm a bird... what do i do?
    piperrae likes this.
  21. Keep pecking at it till it breaks then buy new one

    I want to have all the married men to my self
    piperrae likes this.
  22. DesertRose
    Chat with Me

    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    Sounds like a selfish polygamists ideal table for two at the bordellos anytime.

    I can't sleep much anymore. What should I do?
    piperrae likes this.
  23. Become a super hero at night!

    How do I stop procrastinating?
    piperrae likes this.
  24. By addressing things at the right time, just like right now! Ha!

    I can’t teach my dog not to jump on people!
    piperrae and Sharky like this.
  25. Tie dumbbells to his sides.

    I always get an awkward erection at work?
    piperrae likes this.
  26. Masturbate under your desk.

    My lipstick won't stay put.
    piperrae likes this.
  27. Mix superglue in with it.

    I keep wearing out the tails of my flogger on my victims, i mean, friends.
    piperrae likes this.
  28. Work on your technique.

    My girlfriend hates when I pull out and jizz on her tits?
    piperrae likes this.
  29. Bring a different girl home and do it to her in front of your girlfriend to show her its not so bad.

    I scare the missionaries when I open the door?
    piperrae and Sharky like this.
  30. I suggest you stop answering the door in your Dominatrix outfit.

    My wife refuses to wear lingerie, how do I convince her to spice things up?
    piperrae likes this.
  31. Have her old things meet with a “laundry accident” that shrunk and shredded them into tiny bits of lace.

    I can’t cook, no matter how hard I try to learn! I always burn everything! :)
    piperrae and Sharky like this.
  32. Don't eat, get your energy from the sun like plants.

    I can't reach things on tall shelves
    piperrae likes this.
  33. gLip5
    Chat with Me

    gLip5 Well-Known Member

    Lower your standards and just settle for the things on the lower shelves...

    Why do I feel like no one wants to talk to me?
    piperrae likes this.
  34. Quit whispering, project and enunciate when speaking.

    My wife won't blow me, she says it makes her gag, but my mistress says she loves it when I make her gag. What should I do?
    piperrae likes this.
  35. Become Poly and have two wives.

    My panties all shrunk in the wash; what should I do?
    piperrae and Sharky like this.

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